Entry-Level ADN & BSN Programs in Wichita, KS

For nurses in Wichita, the first step to becoming a registered nurse is an entry-level training program. Choices include LPN to RN programs that help practical nurses become RNs and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs.

LPN to RN Programs

RNs earn higher salaries and have a wider variety of job openings to choose from than their licensed practical nurse counterparts. For experienced practical nurses, some schools offer LPN to RN programs that prepare RNs for the NCLEX licensing exam and become RNs. Wichita State University offers an LPN to RN program that provides practical nurses with 1,000 hours of experience with their BSN degrees in four years of study.

Direct-Entry BSN Programs

For students who are new to the nursing field, there are several BSN programs in Wichita to choose from. These programs are four-year programs that provide a foundation of nursing education as well as additional general education courses. Newman University offers a BSN program that is ranked best in the state according to rankings done by RegisteredNursing.org, and includes coursework in pathophysiology, pharmacotherapeutics, mental health nursing, child and family nursing, community nursing, and research and evidence-based practice.

Find out more about Kansas Accelerated BSN Programs.

Top Ranked Accredited Nursing Programs in Wichita

Listed below are the top nursing schools in Wichita based on our RegisteredNursing.org RN program rankings for Kansas out of 32 other accredited programs offered in the state:

  • Bethel College - #3
SchoolContact Information

Bethel College

  • BSN Campus
  • Top Ranked Kansas Program: #3 of 32
300 East 27th Street
North Newton, KS 67117
(316) 283-2500

Butler County Community College

901 S. Haverhill Rd
El Dorado, KS 67042
(316) 322-3140

Newman University

3100 McCormick
Wichita, KS 67213
(316) 942-4291

Wichita State University

1845 Fairmount St
Wichita, KS 67260
(316) 978-3456

RN to BSN/MSN Programs in Wichita, KS

RN to BSN Programs in Wichita, KS

Bachelor’s degrees are required for many advanced nursing jobs, so RNs with their associate’s degree or diploma may be interested in returning to school to earn their BSN. RN to BSN bridge programs build upon a student’s previous coursework and clinical experience, often providing course credit for previous nursing classes.

RN to BSN Programs

Many RN to BSN programs are available online to accommodate working nurses’ busy schedules. Wichita State University offers a fully online RN to BSN program that is self-paced and can be finished as quickly as three semesters of full-time study.

Find out more about Kansas RN to BSN Programs.

SchoolContact Information

Coffeyville Community College

400 W 11th St
Coffeyville, KS
(620) 251-7700

Hutchinson Community College

1300 North Plum
Hutchinson, KS
(620) 665-3500

Kansas City Kansas Community College

7250 State Avenue
Kansas City, KS
(913) 334-1100

MidAmerica Nazarene University

2030 E. College Way
Olathe, KS
(913) 782-3750

Southwestern College

2040 South Rock Road
Wichita, KS 67207
(316) 684-5335 x203

Tabor College

7348 West 21st Street, Suite 117
Wichita, KS 67205
(316) 729-6333

Wichita State University

1845 Fairmout Street
Wichitia, KS 67260
(316) 978-5801

Wichita State University

1845 Fairmount St
Wichita, KS 67260
(316) 978-5756

APRN & Nurse Practitioner Programs in Wichita, KS

Advanced practice nursing programs are available for nurses with their BSN who want to advance to leadership positions or become certified as nurse practitioners, educators or administrators. In the Wichita area, Newman University offers a traditional MSN program for nurses who want to become nurse anesthetists. In addition to Newman University, there are a number of online MSN programs at schools based outside of the Wichita area that nurses may consider.

MSN Programs

MSN programs are designed to help BSN-educated nurses become certified in an advanced practice nursing specialty. Newman University’s MSN in Nurse Anesthesia program is a 24-month program that includes a didactic portion on the Newman campus, and a clinical portion carried out at local and regional hospitals.

Find out more about Kansas Nurse Practitioner Programs.

SchoolContact Information

Newman University

3100 McCormick St
Wichita, KS 67213
(316) 942-4291