Entry-Level ADN & BSN Programs in Dallas, TX

Helping others to help themselves is what nurses do. If teaching others to better care for themselves interests you, a career in nursing may be right up your alley. In Dallas, Texas, college programs have changed to make it easier for those without a background in nursing to enter the field. Admission friendly policies at Dallas-area schools enable students to enter the nursing profession with a four- or two-year degree.

LVN to RN Programs

Learning on the job is a constant requirement for most working licensed vocational nurses (LVNs). If you’ve learned that you’d like to do more for your patients, you may be interested in becoming an RN.

ADN Programs

Earning an associate's degree in nursing (ADN) is the most expedient path to becoming a registered nurse. Offered at career and community colleges in and around the Dallas metroplex, ADN programs are both accessible and affordable. Dallas College - Brookhaven, part of the Dallas County Community College District, offers a 16-month ADN that incorporates lecture, lab, clinical, and hospital rotations. It readies students for the NCLEX-RN exam.

Direct-Entry BSN Programs

Accelerated BSN programs, which may have online instructional components, allow students to complete their nursing training in less time than before. Nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing often are more sought after by top-ranked employers than nurses without a BSN. Constructed on Christian values, Baylor University’s nursing school offers accelerated and traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing options. The latter option incorporates liberal arts and natural and behavioral science learning as well.

Find out more about Texas Accelerated BSN Programs.

Dallas RN Program NCLEX-RN Pass Rates

NCLEX-RN Students Total2,33715,081
NCLEX-RN Students Passed2,08613,102
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate89.3%86.9%

Top Ranked Accredited Nursing Programs in Dallas

Listed below are the top nursing schools in Dallas based on our RegisteredNursing.org RN program rankings for Texas out of 117 other accredited programs offered in the state:

  • Dallas College Mountain View Campus - #8
  • Texas Christian University - #17
SchoolContact Information

Arizona College of Nursing - Dallas

8330 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy B100
Dallas, TX 75243
(855) 706-8382

Baylor University

333 North Washington Avenue
Dallas, TX 75246
(214) 820-3361

Chamberlain College of Nursing - Irving

4800 Regent Blvd
Irving, TX 75063
(469) 706-6705

Collin College

2200 W University Dr
McKinney, TX 75071
(972) 548-6790

Dallas College Brookhaven Campus

3939 Valley View Ln
Farmers Branch, TX 75244
(972) 860-4700

Dallas College Mountain View Campus

  • ADN Campus
  • Top Ranked Texas Program: #8 of 117
4849 W Illinois Ave
Dallas, TX 75211
(214) 860-8680

El Centro College

801 Main St
Dallas, TX 75202
(214) 860-2000

Tarrant County College

245 East Belknap Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 515-2339

Texas Christian University

  • BSN Campus
  • Top Ranked Texas Program: #17 of 117
Annie Richardson Bass Building 2101, 2800 W Bowie St
Fort Worth, TX 76109
(817) 257-7490

Trinity Valley Community College

800 Ed Hall Dr.
Kaufman, TX 75142
(972) 932-4309

University of Texas - Arlington

701 S Nedderman Dr.
Arlington, TX 76019
(817) 272-2011

West Coast University

2323 North Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75080
(214) 453-4533

RN to BSN Programs in Dallas, TX

It’s no secret that advancing your career typically means returning to school. For on-the-go registered nurses, finding the time to attend class can be challenging. For that reason, several Dallas-area colleges and universities have designed RN to BSN bridge programs so working nurses can complete their degrees on their own time.

RN to BSN Programs

You have greater choice in where you work your shifts when you upgrade your RN to a BSN. Many top hospitals in the Dallas, Texas region seek out nurses with Bachelor of Science Degrees over RNs without them. The University of Texas - Arlington offers campus-based and online RN to BSN program options. You could potentiall pay off your BSN education more readily because you are likely to bump up your earnings with a BSN.

Find out more about Texas RN to BSN Programs.

SchoolContact Information

Central Texas College

6200 W Central Texas Expy
Killeen, TX
(254) 526-7161

Chamberlain University - Irving

4800 Regent Blvd
Irving, TX 75063
(469) 706-6705

El Paso Community College

100 West Rio Grande Ave.
El Paso, TX
(915) 831-3722

Hill College - Cleburne

2112 Mayfield Pkwy
Cleburne, TX
(817) 760-5500

Hill College - Hillsboro

112 Lamar Dr
Hillsboro, TX
(254) 659-7500

Lone Star College - Kingwood

20000 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX
(281) 312-1600

Lone Star College - Montgomery

3200 College Park Dr
Conroe, TX
(936) 273-7000

Lone Star College - North Harris

2700 W W Thorne Dr
Houston, TX
(281) 618-5400

San Jacinto College

4620 Fairmont Pkwy.
Pasadena, TX
(281) 991-2659

Tarrant County College

1500 Houston St
Fort Worth, TX
(817) 515-8223

Trinity Valley Community College

100 Cardinal Dr
Athens, TX
(903) 675-6200

Tyler Junior College

1327 S Baxter Ave
Tyler, TX
(800) 687-5680

University of Texas at Arlington

411 S. Nedderman Drive
Arlington, TX 76019
(817) 272-2776

West Coast University - Dallas

2323 North Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75080
(214) 453-4533

APRN & Nurse Practitioner Programs in Dallas, TX

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) in Dallas are leaders in the field and are tasked with performing higher-level, patient-focused roles in healthcare. For RNs who are up for the challenge, earning a Master of Science in Nursing degree, post-graduate certificate, or doctorate degree can be done in a more convenient format of online and on-ground learning.

MSN Programs

Many veteran nurses strive to mentor others. By earning their Master's of Science in Nursing (MSN) either online or in class, nurses can become classroom instructors or team leads at hospitals. The University of Texas, Arlington, outside of Dallas, offers more than five specialties, including nursing administration, nurse family practitioner, primary care, education, and more. Some can be offered in an online or blended format for greater convenience.

Find out more about Texas Nurse Practitioner Programs.

Post-Master's Certificate Programs

Nurses often reach a point in their careers where they wish to specialize. Certificate programs, which usually have certification exams, are an efficient, cost-effective way for nurses to dive deeply into an area of study. Texas Christian University, outside of Dallas, Texas, offers several different certifications for nurses with graduate degrees. The university’s Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) or Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate, either in Adult-Gerontology or Pediatric, prepares nurses to treat and diagnose patients’ illnesses and significantly impact patient care.

Find out more about Texas Post-Master's Certificate Programs.

DNP & Ph.D. Programs

For dedicated registered nurses, earning a doctorate may be something they dream of but believe to be out of reach. Thanks to powerful online technologies, completing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Dallas, Texas schools has never been more attainable. Ranked as one of the best graduate nursing programs in the nation, Baylor University offers multiple DNP programs, including a Family Nurse Practitioner option.

Find out more about Texas DNP Programs.