Online Nurse Practitioner Schools in Oregon
There are few states as beautiful as Oregon. From the hundreds of miles of breathtaking coastline to the unique communities of Portland or Bend, Oregon is not only a great place to go sightseeing, but it’s also an ideal place for many nurses to settle down and seek higher-paying career opportunities. If you’re looking to switch up your current position as a nurse practitioner and seek more specialized nursing career options, you may be interested in becoming a nurse practitioner. To learn how you can seek these opportunities in Oregon, check out the sections below. Jump to program listings.
Fast & Affordable Nurse Practitioner Programs
While you will likely be able to unlock much more independence and higher-paying salaries once you’re licensed as a nurse practitioner, you may be thinking “How much is it going to cost?” or “How much time do I need to invest?” to enroll in a nurse practitioner program. The answer is a lot less than you think.
What Are the Fastest Online NP Programs?
The two primary degrees associated with nurse practitioners are the Master’s Degree in Nursing (MSN) and the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). If you’re looking to save time, a master’s degree is usually ideal. A master’s degree in nursing is the minimum requirement for becoming a nurse practitioner and they usually take about two years to complete following a bachelor’s degree program. However, some MSN programs are able to be completed even faster than this. For example, many students choose Oregon Health and Science University’s online MSN which can take as little as 18 months to complete.
What Are the Most Affordable Online NP Programs?
As mentioned MSN programs are not only the quickest route to becoming a nurse practitioner, it’s also typically the cheapest. On average, most MSN programs cost between $20,000 and $$60,000. Of course, this will depend on which school you attend, technology fees, room and board, the price of your textbooks, and the cost of living in the area where your school is based. Linfield University is one such option which offers a tuition of around $20,000 to $25,000 per year.
Schools Offering Popular Nurse Practitioner Specialties
One of the most common reasons that many nurses become nurse practitioners is so that they can specialize in a specific area and apply a more direct approach to the patients they serve. If you’re looking for a specialized MSN program located in Oregon, take a look at the University of Portland’s Family Nurse Practitioner program.
Find out more about popular NP specialty programs: Acute Care (ACNP), Adult Gerontology (AGNP), Family (FNP), Pediatric (PNP), Psychiatric (PHMNP), Women’s Health (WHNP).
Educational Routes for Nurse Practitioners – Online & Campus
While MSN and DNP programs are the most common routes for nurse practitioner education, there are several accelerated and bridge program opportunities available online and in-person, depending on the degree level you currently hold. Take a look at your options below.
MSN Nurse Practitioner Programs
As we mentioned, MSN degrees are the most common and typically the fastest and cheapest traditional nurse practitioner degree program. They usually take around 2 years to complete following a bachelor’s degree. Here are some examples in Oregon:
- Linfield University – McMinnville, OR
- Oregon Health and Science University – Portland, OR
RN to NP Programs
RN to NP programs are also known as RN to MSN or ADN to MSN programs. These bridge programs are typically geared toward registered nurses who are licensed and have graduated with an associate’s degree in nursing as a way to combine both BSN and MSN programs into one short and effective program that draws on the RN’s experience and associate’s level education. As of now, the only RN to MSN program is offered by Oregon Health and Science University.
DNP Nurse Practioner Programs
The highest level of nurse practitioner degree is a doctor of nursing practice. This degree usually takes 4-6 years of study after your master’s degree and will come in a variety of specializations. Here are some DNP programs located in Oregon:
- University of Portland – Portland, OR
- Oregon Health and Science University – Portland, OR
Post-Master's Certificate NP Programs
Post-master nurse practitioner certificate programs are not degree programs and they will only be available to fully licensed nurse practitioners who have graduated from a graduate degree program in nursing. However, they are highly valuable to students who want to specialize in multiple areas of practice.
Accelerated, Direct & Master’s Entry (MENP/MEPN) to Nursing Practice
Decide to become a nurse practitioner later in life? Accelerated, direct-entry and master’s entry NP programs are a bridge program that allows you to combine your BSN and MSN into one nursing program. This type of program isn’t for everyone — it is long and very intense, but for many, it is worth the time and money saved. Here are a few available in the state:
- Linfield University – McMinnville, OR
General Admissions Requirements
While each specific nurse practitioner degree level will have its own set of requirements, most NP programs will require the following to be eligible for admission:
- BSN from an accredited school
- Transcripts from all colleges attended
- Minimum grade point average (often 3.0 or above, but varies by school/program)
- Active, unencumbered RN license
- Essay or statement of purpose outlining career goals
- Letters of recommendation (academic or professional)
- Resume or CV
Oregon NP License and Certification Requirements
Once you’ve completed your nurse practitioner degree, it’s time to get licensed as a nurse practitioner and certified in your area of focus. To apply for licensure, you’ll need your RN licensure, official transcripts from your NP education program, and any relevant clinical training records. The application process also involves filling out the state's official licensing form and submitting an application fee, which typically amounts to about $150. For detailed guidance on how to apply for NP licensure in Oregon, applicants can refer to the state’s online licensing portal.
Oregon also requires nurse practitioners to be certified in their area of specialty. Certification is generally obtained through recognized bodies like the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), and candidates must usually hold an RN license and have completed a graduate-level program in their specialty. Most certifying bodies also require passing an exam to verify the applicant's expertise.
As of 2024, nurse practitioners in Oregon have full practice authority, which means they can independently assess, diagnose, treat, and prescribe medications without physician collaboration. This allows NPs in Oregon to provide comprehensive care to patients in a wide variety of healthcare settings. Additional resources, professional support, and opportunities for continuing education can be found through the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), which plays a key role in supporting the state’s NPs throughout their careers.
List of NP Programs in Oregon
Portland, OR
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Portland, OR 97239
(503) 494-8311
University of Portland
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 943-8000
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