Online Nurse Practitioner Schools in Montana
Registered nurses have many ways that they can leverage their existing education and experience into a career that’s more suitable to their interests and salary needs, but one of the more popular ways is by getting licensed as a nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioners undergo specialized training that allows them to seek higher-paid and more independent nursing positions. Montana has a handful of nurse practitioner programs located throughout the state in places such as Missoula and Billings. To find out how to get started on this exciting career journey, take a look at the sections below. Jump to program listings.
Fast & Affordable Nurse Practitioner Programs
If you’re looking to go back to school to get a nurse practitioner education, you’re probably concerned about the time it takes to complete the program and how much the program is going to cost. Believe it or not, there are plenty of cheap and quick nurse practitioner programs located across the state, especially if you already have a nursing degree such as a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).
What Are the Fastest Online NP Programs?
To become a nurse practitioner, you’ll need a graduate degree in nursing. The two most common degrees associated with nurse practitioners are the master’s degree in nursing and the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).
With typically only two years of required study, a master’s degree program is usually the fastest option. In some cases, you may even be able to graduate from a Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) program in as little as a year if you have the right amount of credits and take advantage of summer programs and flexible online learning options. For example, the MSN program offered by Montana State University (which is currently the only MSN program offered in the state) takes about 2 years to complete.
What Are the Most Affordable Online NP Programs?
Typically when nurses think about the education they’ve already completed, they’re hesitant to fork over tens of thousands of dollars for an additional graduate degree. However, when you actually break down the costs of some of the nurse practitioner degree programs located in Montana, you can still find some affordable options, especially if you have established state residency and you’re looking in areas that have a lower cost of living. The MSN offered by Montana State University offers a considerably low tuition between $3,000 and $15,000 per semester.
Schools Offering Popular Nurse Practitioner Specialties
Nurse practitioner programs usually offer a number of specialized courses that allow students to narrow their focus in a particular practice area such as cardiology or pediatrics. These types of curriculums often lead to certification in a field you are passionate about and may even help to increase your salary once you begin working. One great option for a specialized NP program is the Clinical Nurse Leader specialization offered by Montana State University.
Find out more about popular NP specialty programs: Acute Care (ACNP), Adult Gerontology (AGNP), Family (FNP), Pediatric (PNP), Psychiatric (PHMNP), Women’s Health (WHNP).
Educational Routes for Nurse Practitioners – Online & Campus
Throughout this guide, we’ve mostly discussed traditional graduate-level nurse practitioner programs. However, beyond these common educational routes, there are also several other educational routes that you may qualify for based on your specific background.
MSN Nurse Practitioner Programs
MSN programs are typically the most common option for students looking to become nurse practitioners. In most cases, these programs take about two years to complete and come in a variety of specializations. There is currently only one MSN program in Montana located at Montana State University, but they offer a variety of specializations.
RN to NP Programs
RN to NP programs (also known as an RN to MSN or ADN to MSN) offer registered nurses without a bachelor’s degree a pathway to advance directly to a nurse practitioner role, often combining BSN and MSN coursework to streamline the process. To qualify, you’ll need an ADN or ASN and an RN license. As of now, there are no RN to NP programs located in the state, but you can take advantage of nearby programs within the nursing compact, such as Gonzaga University’s program located in Washington, which is due to become part of the compact in the next year or so.
DNP Nurse Practioner Programs
For students who want to invest more time into their education, a DNP is a great option. These programs take between four and six years to complete following an MSN program. Though a DNP program will take much longer to complete, you can easily assume that graduating from one will allow you to access much higher-paying jobs. Montana State University offers the only DNP program in the state.
Post-Master's Certificate NP Programs
Post-Master’s Certificate NP programs allow nurses with a master's degree to gain additional certification in a new specialty area without completing another full degree. They’re usually the cheapest and fastest option to do this with typically only a year of study required. One example is Montana State University’s PMHNP certificate program.
Accelerated, Direct & Master’s Entry (MENP/MEPN) to Nursing Practice
Some students may have completed their bachelor’s degree and decided later that they would like to get their master’s degree in nursing. An accelerated MSN program, or a direct or master’s entry to nursing practice, is a quicker route to becoming a graduate-level nurse or nurse practitioner by combining a BSN and MSN into one challenging nursing program. Montana doesn’t have any accelerated MSN programs in the state, however, Washington offers one at Pacific Lutheran University.
General Admissions Requirements
If you’re ready to start applying, take a look at the following admissions requirements. Keep in mind that these may not be representative of your particular schools requirements:
- BSN from an accredited school
- Transcripts from all colleges attended
- Minimum grade point average (often 3.0 or above, but varies by school/program)
- Active, unencumbered RN license
- Essay or statement of purpose outlining career goals
- Letters of recommendation (academic or professional)
- Resume or CV
Montana NP License and Certification Requirements
Nurse practitioners looking to practice in Montana must meet a set of essential qualifications. These requirements are put in place to ensure that only skilled professionals provide care to the state’s residents. Key criteria include:
- Montana RN License: Applicants must possess a current, active RN license issued by Montana.
- Completion of an Accredited NP Program: Candidates are required to complete a nurse practitioner program accredited by a recognized body, covering advanced nursing practices and their chosen specialty.
Along with these foundational qualifications, candidates will need to provide supporting documentation, such as proof of licensure, education transcripts, and verification of clinical training. They must also complete an application and submit a fee, generally around $200, as part of the process. Detailed guidance on how to apply for NP licensure in Montana is available on the state’s licensing website.
Montana nurse practitioners must also achieve certification in their specialty through a recognized national certifying organization, such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). To be eligible for certification, most NPs must have a valid RN license and have completed a graduate-level nursing program in their chosen specialty, such as family medicine, pediatrics, or mental health. Certification exams assess clinical expertise and readiness to practice.
Montana offers full practice authority to nurse practitioners, which means NPs can operate independently, diagnosing and treating patients, and prescribing medications without physician involvement. This autonomy supports the expansion of healthcare services in rural areas and across diverse settings. NPs can find additional resources and advocacy through organizations like the Montana Nurses Association (MNA).
List of NP Programs in Montana
Bozeman, MT
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
(406) 994-3783
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